Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Why should I Change

Why should I Change !

I used to love pastel colours, others termed it dull !

I used to love very different shades (sometimes never used to get matching blouse... )
Others used to call it English colours !

I was a natural person, in and out,

loving nature, with flowing love for everyone,

During those times, HE used to guide me in everything.

He took care of everything, whether trivial or big

My only work was to submit a heart felt request

He took care of everything, right from "wiping out" the people around me, that were not needed for me (or taking me away from that place)

Those were the days I was on my own....

Then it happened....

I was advised to change to bright colours
I was advised to change into so many other things.....
Yes, then I started thinking I was doing everything
though, in the small gaps I could sense HIS help in everything,

I totally changed, to bright colours,
to taking everything in my hand,
to communicate more,
to do more....
always wanting to do more...
never listening to the inner feelings...

Ooof.... Alas... I went for a BIG LOSS
Losing my soul, health and character...

Thank God, now I realise !

Now I understand , my bright soul never needed bright colours,
my glowing face never needed make up

Be my side, and Always be with me,
so that I do not shudder against
those who want to change me,
those who want to fit everything into standards...
I am unique, as is everyone...
Let them allow me to be ME
and let ME allow THEM to be them......
so that we are in peaceful co-existence !